Happy employees = Happy customers
Value your employees and treat them well, the level of their job satisfaction can significantly impact the service they offer your customers. You’ll be amazed how even the smallest of gestures can go a long way to increasing staff morale and remember happy employees means happy customers [KL1] [KD2] [KD3]
Listen to your employees. They work at the heart of your business so they are in the best position to identify areas that need a little tweaking. If we had a pound for every employee that says communication could be better in their company, we’d be pretty rich by now!
So, come on, set up those team huddles, send out regular weekly emails, maybe even a podcast or two. Why not step it up a gear and create your own private YouTube channel for employees to listen to company updates? Remember, everyone likes to learn in different ways, so giving them options means you are more likely to be heard.
Studies show that a happy work force has a positive impact on your customers’ experience, so what are you waiting for?
How easy are you to do business with?
How many times have you heard or even said yourself, “I love the company, I just wish they didn’t make it so hard to do business with them?” Pull your team together and map out your customer journey. Be critical! Ask yourselves: how customer focused are we? Are we easy to do business with? [KL4] By taking a closer look at the customer touchpoints throughout the journey, you’ll be able to see where you can make improvements and make doing business with you that little bit easier for your customers.
Get the team involved
Yes, it’s important that the MD has bought into the initiatives to improve customer services, but actually, everyone plays a part in the customer journey, and, ultimately, the overall experience the customer has. Getting teams working collaboratively is way more effective. It also improves the overall customer experience, than those teams that work in silos. Nominate champions within each area of the business and let them work collaboratively to review customer issues and touchpoints and then suggest solutions to improve your customers’ experience.
Don’t make assumptions about your customers
There’s an easy way to understand what your customers want from your product or service – ask them! Completing yearly relationship surveys with your clients will help you shape the future of your business, based on the “voice of the customer”. This can be done by several methods: emails, telephone, SMS or face to face. Work out which method is right for your business and give it a go. Make sure you have defined objectives of what you want to achieve before putting the questions together, and then take that step forward and get to know your customers better.
Like what you’ve read…well we have a lot more tips and suggestion for you, so get in touch! Please call 02380001421 or email: [email protected]
Visit us at www.zestconsultancy.co.uk or follow us : @ZestConsultancy #loveyourcustomers
Value your employees and treat them well, the level of their job satisfaction can significantly impact the service they offer your customers. You’ll be amazed how even the smallest of gestures can go a long way to increasing staff morale and remember happy employees means happy customers [KL1] [KD2] [KD3]
Listen to your employees. They work at the heart of your business so they are in the best position to identify areas that need a little tweaking. If we had a pound for every employee that says communication could be better in their company, we’d be pretty rich by now!
So, come on, set up those team huddles, send out regular weekly emails, maybe even a podcast or two. Why not step it up a gear and create your own private YouTube channel for employees to listen to company updates? Remember, everyone likes to learn in different ways, so giving them options means you are more likely to be heard.
Studies show that a happy work force has a positive impact on your customers’ experience, so what are you waiting for?
How easy are you to do business with?
How many times have you heard or even said yourself, “I love the company, I just wish they didn’t make it so hard to do business with them?” Pull your team together and map out your customer journey. Be critical! Ask yourselves: how customer focused are we? Are we easy to do business with? [KL4] By taking a closer look at the customer touchpoints throughout the journey, you’ll be able to see where you can make improvements and make doing business with you that little bit easier for your customers.
Get the team involved
Yes, it’s important that the MD has bought into the initiatives to improve customer services, but actually, everyone plays a part in the customer journey, and, ultimately, the overall experience the customer has. Getting teams working collaboratively is way more effective. It also improves the overall customer experience, than those teams that work in silos. Nominate champions within each area of the business and let them work collaboratively to review customer issues and touchpoints and then suggest solutions to improve your customers’ experience.
Don’t make assumptions about your customers
There’s an easy way to understand what your customers want from your product or service – ask them! Completing yearly relationship surveys with your clients will help you shape the future of your business, based on the “voice of the customer”. This can be done by several methods: emails, telephone, SMS or face to face. Work out which method is right for your business and give it a go. Make sure you have defined objectives of what you want to achieve before putting the questions together, and then take that step forward and get to know your customers better.
Like what you’ve read…well we have a lot more tips and suggestion for you, so get in touch! Please call 02380001421 or email: [email protected]
Visit us at www.zestconsultancy.co.uk or follow us : @ZestConsultancy #loveyourcustomers