It can sometimes feel like good customer service is a thing of the past! And yet, it doesn’t take much! A smile, a little focussed attention and a “have a good day” as a goodbye from a member of staff, is probably enough when grabbing a quick coffee or popping into a shop. However, when these little things are missing it can really affect your mood and importantly your view of the business.
A good customer experience is even more important now than a few years ago, as in many areas of business, there is so much more choice. It is easy to go to a competitor just down the road or across the street, especially for a coffee or some lunch!
What does good customer service look like?
Have a think about what good customer service looks like to you?
Here at Zest, we believe it is part of our job to make our client’s day a little easier or simply more enjoyable. This might include a friendly chat, a little banter, or simply enquiring after a client’s well- being. We like to focus on the person and not just the business. Furthermore, it certainly makes the day go much faster if you are enjoying the company of the person you are working with or talking to and, in turn, ultimately creates a good customer experience whilst doing so. Importantly, happy customers are easier to build relationships with and will help grow your business.
First impressions
A first impression is a key tool for yourself and your business and it really does count. The way we look, the way we talk, the way we present ourselves is such an important part of our business.
Without realising it, within moments, the person we are introducing ourselves to has probably already decided if they like us and are interested to hear more. So, take a critical view of your business and what first impressions you are making on your customers? This could include how your staff answer the phone; how your shop or office looks to your clients; or how your staff are dressed? There are a great number of things which give off a ‘first impression’ and you need to make sure this is the right image for your business.
Just add Zest
A large part of getting first impressions right and offering a good customer experience is understanding your customers and what they want. It is pivotal to business success. At Zest, we help you to interact with and listen to your customers. We get to understand their motivations and their needs and can help to map out the customer journey, looking at all the touch points with your business along the way. Zest will implement a customer experience programme which is responsive, flexible and tailored to your needs.
Interested to learn more? Call us on: 02380001421 or email: [email protected]
Visit us at www.zestconsultancy.co.uk or follow us: @ZestConsultancy #loveyourcustomers